Improving An App


2 min read

I've been working on a very small app I made showing my ability to access an API, get the specific data I need, and display it on my page. It uses the API I had a great time making it. The challenge of figuring out the API call and how to get the correct data back from the request was fun!

As I was in a Zoom meeting, not listening as I should, I came up with a few new features to add to the Dad Jokes page. I thought it would be good to 1) add the ability to copy to the clipboard, 2) links to Twitter and Facebook so you can repost the joke, and finally 3) add a like button so that you could save your favorite jokes.

I worked on saving the joke to the clipboard. It wasn't too difficult. I just kept copying the wrong thing. :) After tinkering awhile, I got the right information saved on the clipboard, got the links working, and reposted a joke on both Facebook and Twitter. I want to see if I can make the post on my site and send that to Twitter and Facebook. I'm pretty sure you can do that with a bot.

Next I will be working on adding the ability to like a joke and save it. I am looking forward to that challenge. I had been on a bit of a break from coding and it is super good to get back to it.